Medical Malpractice Lawyers in Jacksonville, Florida

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Consult Martino & McCabe about your Medical Malpractice claim

Medical malpractice is one of the most common phenomena in the USA. According to a study, almost 250,000 American citizens get killed due to mistreatment of medical practitioners or medical staff. If you believe someone near to you or you have been the victim of medical malpractice, then it is time to consult Martino & McCabe. Our team will review the entire case and work tirelessly on your behalf.

Definition of Various Kinds of Medical Malpractices

When a healthcare provider delivers treatment that deviates from the accepted standards of the medical community, causing any injury or harm to the patient, it is known as medical malpractice. The various kinds of medical malpractice for which you can hold the healthcare professionals accountable are as follows.

  1. Administration of late anesthesia
  2. Delivering wrong fluids and medications
  3. Death due to deprivation of oxygen
  4. Delay in the C-Section
  5. Failure while monitoring the patient
  6. Misreading the MRI and X-ray reports and the charts
  7. Making a delayed or incorrect diagnosis
  8. Failing to identify or treat any infections in post-operative tenure
  9. Error in the medical devices
  10. Cannot identify the primary symptoms of a disease
  11. Ignoring the medical history of the patient
  12. Prescribing any improper medical test


Since the lawsuits related to medical malpractice involve both medicine and law, you will need an experienced attorney who should be well-versed in both these areas. The lawyers of Martino & McCabe are well-equipped to tackle any medical malpractice claim. 

Our Legal Practice Areas

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Premises Liability
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Nursing Home Abuse
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Medical Malpractice
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