Jacksnoville Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys

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Let us help you defend your loved ones

While selecting the nursing home for our loved ones we want to ensure that the facility takes exceptional care of them. Unfortunately, sometimes despite all the research and time the place we chose may not provide the level of the care they deserve. The attorneys at Martino & McCabe have dealt with these situations and are ready to advocate for and defend your family.

There is nothing more painful than seeing a loved one harmed and not being able to prevent it. When that happens contact Martino & McCabe, "Jacksonville nursing home abuse lawyers" and we will be there to help get justice for your family.

Common types of mistreatment in Nursing Homes

Staff members and medical practitioners are often the reason why nursing home neglect and abuse takes place. Below we have shared some common types of mistreatment that we have seen.

  1. Dehydration and malnutrition
  2. Bleeding or bruises
  3. Emotional withdrawal
  4. Unexplained diseases or infections
  5. Sudden problems in the finances

So if you think that any of your loved ones have encountered nursing house neglect, abuse or cruelty, then contact Martino & McCabe to talk with an attorney about your claim immediately.